Whole Slide Images
If you already know about pyramidical image files, feel free to skip this paragraph. If you don’t, sticks around; it’s important to understand how microscopy data coming out of slide scanners is structured to be able to manipulate it.
It all starts with a physical slide: a physical slide is a thin piece of glass, with the dimensions
When a physical slide is registered in a digital fashion, it is translated into a 2-dimensional pixel matrix. At a 40X magnification, it takes a grid of4 x 4 pixels to represent 1 square micrometer. We can also say that the image has a resolution of 0.25 microns per pixel. This is also expressed as 4 pixels per micron (PPM).
All of this means that in order to present our 5 cm x 2 cm physical specimen from the first part of this tutorial series in a 40X resolution we need (5 * 10 * 1000 * 4) * (2 * 10 * 1000 * 4) = 200k x 80k = 16B pixels
Now clearly that image is way too big to load in memory all at once, and even with advanced compression techniques, the physical sizes of these is roughly around one gigabyte per slide. So what people have thought of is to package the image data as a pyramidal stack.
Ok, perhaps not that kind of pyramid…
But you can imagine a very large image being downsampled a number of times until it receives a manageable size. You just keep dividing the number of pixels by two, and eventually you get a single image that still represents the whole slide, but is only maybe 782 x 312 pixels in size. This then becomes the top of your pyramid and we label it as zoomlevel 0.
At zoomlevel 1, we get a 1562 x 624 pixel image etc. It turns out that our original image of 200k x 80k pixels is found at zoomlevel 8. Projected onto our pyramid, we get something like this:
So the physical file representing the slide doesn’t just store the high-resolution image, it stored a pyramidal stack with as many zoomlevels as needed to reach the deepest level (or highest resolution). The idea is that depending on the magnification that you want to represent on the screen, you read data from a different zoomlevel.
The pyramid stack works great up to certain resolution. But pretty quick we get into trouble and the images become too big once again to be shown in one pass. And of course, that is eventually what we want to do: Look at the images in their highest possible detail.
In order to work around this problem, the concept of tiles is introduced. The idea is that at each zoomlevel, a grid overlays the image data, arbitrarily breaking the image up in tiles. This leads to a representation like this:
Now, for any area of the slide that we want to display at any given time to the end-user, we can determine the optimal zoomlevel to select from, as well a select number of tiles that are sufficient to show the desired “field of view”, rather than asking the user to wait to download the entire (potentially huge!) image. This goes as follows:
Or, put the other way around (from the browser’s point of view):
So there you have it: whole slide images are nothing but tiled pyramid-shaped stacks of image data.